Establishing and Running the B2B Department of MCI

Market research and experiences in the telecom industry revealed the businesses needs to enterprises products and services in this industry. Services that not only address the communication needs of enterprises but also reduce their costs significantly. Therefore, Iranian Modern Technology and Management Company (IMTMC) established the B2B department (MCI business Services) for the largest company and launching enterprices products and services.
Developing Enterprise Marketing (B2B) for MCI was a program that resulted in a mutual cooperation for almost 3 years. IMTMC was involved in the whole process of think, build and run phases. We built the whole department of 90 people from scratch by defining following 12 sub projects:
- Enterprise strategy and value proposition
- Purchase, furnish and equip the enterprise building
- Design of enterprise organization and processes
- Enterprise software’s design and implementation
- IT & networks requirements
- Human resources recruitment and development
- Pricing plans' design and implementation
- Standard solutions for enterprise customers
- Advertising and promotion
- Key account management
- Physical shops and indirect channel
- Management of occasional enterprise customers
We also selected Sofrecom team as our foreign consultant for think and build phase. A team of 5 professionals from Sofrecom Company in 5 workstreams of Strategy, Marketing, Sales & CC, IT and Organization & Processes worked beside IMTMC team.
During B2B project, some other related activities in MCI were also pursued by IMTMC team such as CBS (Convergent Billing System), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), BI (Business Intelligence) with Ericsson and also MVNE project with Sisteer which was an IT solution for implementing B2B products since MCI IT infrastructure was not ready for our designed shortrun and longrun roadmap.